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Welcome to Kyela
Kyela is the name of the sacred sound ensemble formed by Karl Akkerman & Miranda Munro, who are also the founders of the Australian College of Sound Therapy. Please check the website acst.net.au. They are based in Toodyay, Western Australia and are available for private therapy sessions and sound meditation sessions. Through the Australian College of Sound Therapy, Kyela offer accredited Certificate and Professional Diploma courses.They also run short workshops, corporate based wellness programs and sacred sound concerts. In their store at the center and at the website acst.net.au you can purchase premium quality Tibetan singing bowls, hand selected for the clarity of their sound . Together, Karl and Miranda play 30 Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, Solfeggio and Fibonacci tubular bells, Koshi chimes , Wuhan wind gong and a Symphonic gong.The sounds of the instruments are both enchanting and captivating.which clients say, "feels like a deeply relaxing vibrational massage". The wonderful thing is not only do they sound great, they also have far reaching health and wellbeing potential. Across the world Doctors and health professionals are using sound therapy to assist their patients. The emerging field of energy medicine attributes the healing potential of sound to attuned frequencies. Quantum physicists confirm that the universe and everything in it is made up of vibration. We can tune up these frequencies in our bodies by applying sound therapy. Research from the Deepak Chopra Centre has found that “sound from the Tibetan bowls are chemically metabolized into "endogenous opiates" that act on the body as internal pain killers and healing agents”. Sound Therapy is great for those that find meditation difficult. The sounds of the instruments will automatically and effortlessly take you from the active beta state into the deeper states of relaxation.The unique method of Kyela Sound Therapy is both profound and has far reaching benefits. You can book a private session with Kyela or come and learn how to become a professional sound therapist through the Australian College of Sound Therapy. acst.net.au
Follow the link to read Miranda's articles in NOVA magazine http://novaholisticjournal.com/stories/loves-mirror
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The College offers professional training in sound therapy. You can study for a Diploma in Kyela Sound Therapy. The website of the Australian College of Sound Therapy is currently under construction.For further information please contact us.
The centre is located at 24 Smokebush way Toodyay, just 40 minutes from the metro area.
Kyela Vibrational Healing Centre is set amidst the beautiful Avon Valley hills with stunning sweeping views. You are welcome to come by appointment, soak up the ambience and enjoy a cuppa in the peaceful surrounds. Singing bowls available for purchase at the centre.
Kyela Vibrational Healing Centre is set amidst the beautiful Avon Valley hills with stunning sweeping views. You are welcome to come by appointment, soak up the ambience and enjoy a cuppa in the peaceful surrounds. Singing bowls available for purchase at the centre.
•Weekly one hour meditation/relaxation sessions see EVENTS page for details•You can book a private meditation session for a group of 5-15 people and will be held at Kyela Vibrational Healing CentreMattresses, pillows,rugs,eyemasks and water are provided COST starts at $15 a head.
•Personal session at Kyela Vibrational Healing Centre in ToodyayA comprehensive therapy session tailored to each individual. Two therapist work with you for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. Everything is provided plus tea or coffee after the session.
•For large groups of 15 upwards•See EVENTS for details of our next concert
•See EVENTS page for details of our upcoming workshops
•Workshops or mediation/relaxation sessions for wellness programs POA
•One hour sound session.1 hour sound session, for up to 5 peopleCost $100
Have your personal space cleared of energy blockages.Includes a full diagnosis, onsite treatment and a comprehensive report.
A beautiful small venue for workshops just 40 minutes from the metro area.Peaceful and secluded, the centre is set in the high hills of Toodyay.
- Use of the centre includes:
- Use of 10 acres of land
- Workshop space 10-15 poeple (exotic decor)
- Treatment/therapy room
- Heating
- Massage tables
- CD & DVD player
- Wi-Fi
- Whiteboard
- Chairs
- Mattresses, pillows,rugs
- Filtered water
- Morning and afternoon teas
- Beautiful outside seating areas
- Great rates: FULL DAY $140.00 HALF DAY $85.00 $ 25.00 per hour
Kyela's shop is located at the Kyela Vibrational Healing Centre. We stock premium quality singing bowls. All Tibetan bowls are hand selected on merit of their sound.We also stock crystal bowls, tuning forks, chimes, drums, CD's and gifts.
Tibetan singing bowls
Sourced by Kyela in the mountains of Nepal and Northern India
'Sounds of Kyela'A One hour CD recorded by Kyela for deep meditationRRP AU $ 15.00 Plus postage.
Kyela will be playing on all days of the expo,November 3th to the 5th inclusive 2017
coming soon
7th and 8th of October at the Adelaide showgroundsCome see Kyela on stage or join them for a workshop or you can purchase a beautiful Himalayan singing bowl from their stand.
DIPLOMA and CERTIFICATE training for KYELA SOUND THERAPY begins MARCH 2018. Go to The Australian College of Sound Therapy website acst.net.au for details .
“ During one session with Kyela I experienced a heat in my left leg and foot almost to the point of discomfort, then over the next week I began to feel my muscles in my leg and buttocks for the first time in 2 years (since an accident)”RICHARD KINGSTON 21/05/13 “Since coming to Kyela’s sessions I have benefited in so many ways, and on so many levels. My sleep patterns have gone from 2-6hrs a night to 7-12hrs a night.I have also experienced physical healings. I came once with kidney stones and through the session I was able to move them with the sounds and pass them the following day. It has balanced and re-aligned my chakras. One of my goals has been to see all 7 chakra colours which I have achieved on a few occasions.I have also been lucky enough to have received messages from people who have passed over during the meditation sessions.One of the best things is how every week is different bringing new experiences through sound.I feel very privileged to be part of Miranda and Karl’s special gift of sound. They are so musically in tune with each other it truly is a wonderful experience. On which I am sure everyone can enjoy”GILL PRESTON 15/1/14 For the past year I have given myself over to the healing harmonics of Kyela.Everyone's experience is different. For me, I've never slept better and felt more at peace. I believe vibrational therapy has the potential to ease discomfort in the mind as well as the body. Works for me.RED MC KENZIE 28/1/14 Kyela Sound Therapy was one of the most amazing relaxation experiences I have ever had. Normally I cannot lay flat on my back, because of spasms, but the sounds of the Tibetan bowls just relaxed my body and mind. I was able to lay without any spasms. Just amazing, it really works.LEE 22/2/14 Kyela conducted a Sound Therapy Workshop for Community Care staff and volunteers at a training day on 22nd January 2014. The workshop was well presented and well-resourced. Staff and vounteer feedback was very positive in terms of the relaxation techniques demonstrated.GED HINES Manager, Community Care Lifespan Services 12/2/14 My 9 year old granddaughter suffered the loss of her Father and needed nightly massages to her shoulders and neck to release the stress knots . Thanks to your CD with the bowls being played we haven’t had to do this for months and she is now sleeping well every night.PAULINE 8/4/14